First Slime Masters Devlog

Slime related:

  • Slimes Color now stays after an upgrade
  • Slimes around the player are now, always, equidistant from each others
  • New ingame upgrades: Slime speed +1
  • New ingame upgrades: Slime Orbit speed +45 degree per sec.
  • New ingame upgrades: Slime Orbit range +10%

Town Related: New NPCs in town:

  • A woman that walk back and forth and stop from time to time
  • An old man that walk back and forth
  • A big bearded man sometime go out of his house and stand there, watching you

Character related:

  • Every character speed have been increased to make the game more exiting but mainly to make the Knight gameplay feel, not too slow

( Monsters speed has also been increased )

Loot Related:

  • Exp colors and size has been changed to represent different amount: Blue: 1, Green: 25, Yellow: 50, Red: 100 and Purple: 500

UIs Related:

  • Sound and Music volume can now be adjusted in the game settings
  • Fps Meters can be selected to show the Frame per second

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